This is an original 1929 photogravure of a mask of Galle, Sri Lanka. Galle is situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean. The mask is used in preparation of the devil-dance-- performed when a villager is sick or diseased. It is thought that there are unseen hands at work, and a "thovil" or devil dance, is needed to combat the demon. The photographer of this image is Dr. Martin Hürlimann of Berlin, Germany. His photographs were largely composed of cities and civilizations, and taken mostly with a Sinclair camera.
Period Paper is pleased to offer an exceptional collection of historic original photogravures of the landscape, architecture, and people of Ceylon and Indochina including the present-day countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, and Yunnan, a Province of southwestern China. The actual border around the photogravure is larger than what is shown in the digital image, and each image usually has a caption in German, English, French, and Italian which will be included with the item when shipped. However, we wanted to show you the actual image up close and the dimensions provided next to the "Size" indicate the size of the actual photogravure only. The total size is approximately two inches larger in width and height. These original photogravures are not to be confused with the more common halftone prints. Each of these photogravures was created from an engraved plate and provides exceptional detail, contrast, warmth, and depth, making them excellent original images for framing.
The Photogravure Process. A photogravure is a photographic image produced from an engraving plate--an expensive and rarely used process today. Through the transfer of etching ink from an etched copperplate to special dampened paper run through an etching press, this process creates an image that registers an extraordinary variety of tones.
Please note that there is printing on the reverse.

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